Wednesday, November 30, 2011


This essential element has brought to me some new ideas surrounding the classroom environment of children with FASD. The teachers I find have yet to fully understand or accept, that this is a medical diagnosis which will not change but we as helpers have to accommodate the individual. The issue of environment here in the local school is difficult because the lack of resources are low.

The classroom environment is often not staffed with highly qualified people and structure is not maintained, however there has been an acknowledgement for the need of this personnel. The school is attempting to train staff on the structural environment that may help children with FASD have a more accommodating environment to learn.

FASD is an often difficult issue to accommodate when the staff do not understand how to recognize or what to do with the issues. I find it very helpful to try and become more integrated with the systems that are in place to help.FASD children has given me pause to look at how I will work with this population of individuals and use some of the techniques used with FASD children that might be adaptable to other clients.

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