Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reflection #7

As I read chapter seven I tried to put myself in the shoes of the children with FASD and how it would be to be sensitive to light or sound, hard to focus, not able to sit still or not understand what the teacher was talking about. I know that when I have a class after working at the a twelve hour shift I can get easily frustrated with classmates who talk while the instructor is talking and find it hard to focus .

What a nightmare this must be for a child. Especially if the teacher is not educated about children with FASD. Even if the teacher does know and is trying to do something about it, how does the rest of the class see this child? Do they think it unfair that he gets to have a stress ball/toy? Do they treat him differently because he is receiving “special treatment”?

I don’t think I would have stayed in school if I had to go through all this. It shows how important it is that the child be with teachers that are aware of FASD symptoms and solutions. It must also be taken into account that the teacher should be willing to work with children with FASD. That is just as important because if you do not want to work with children with FASD it will show in the effort you put towards assisting the child.

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